Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Irish Celtic Halloween Costumes, Be A Gaelic King

Though Ireland is a small country, it has a huge history of invasions, battles, famines, religion, the list is endless and the amount of history vast and interesting, but from these ancient times have come and gone great Irish Kings, and what their type of clothing was, either as daily wear or into battle, makes way for some interesting and exciting looking Halloween costumes.

Gaelic Ireland consisted of 5-9 kingdoms, with each clan having having a different King, as well as the High King of Ireland who was technically meant to be the King of the whole Island. With so many strong personalities competing from each kingdom , always led to disputes and battles to become the High king of Ireland.

The history of Ireland and its Kings changed regularly with Viking, Norman and English invasions, but sets us up nicely for amazing looking costumes.

The textiles of ancient Celtic Ireland and Europe for that time due to contrary belief were actually of very high quality, so it is only fitting that a king would have the best material and look of the time. Taking on the look of a Celtic King is a clever way of attracting attention and standing out this Halloween.

With the Celtic designed costumes, there are all sizes for kids and adults, and you can also find Viking costumes and Renaissance costumes, excellent historical and unique looking, some with swords and shield, helmets and crowns, lots of garments and accessories to add to a fun and exciting costume.

These costumes also make a great idea for couples looking for something different. Paring up as a King or warrior with a Renaissance woman etc. will have you both the talk of the party.

As for kids, the idea of been an Irish Gaelic King or warrior, Viking or Knight, with swords, shields and helmets is extremely exciting for any young lad, and been able to look strong and fierce will be a huge hit.
Be different this Halloween and be an Irish King or Knight, and be truly unique and stand out from the usual and predictable Halloween look. Check out some amazing ideas an tips at Irish Celtic, really great stuff.

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